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Data Science with Python & Machine Learning Course @ Edinburgh – Face to Face/Blended and Virtual Learning Available

March 28 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


This is a 16-week course that provides the required knowledge and skills required to become data Scientist. This Data Science and Machine Learning course is quite comprehensive and suitable for you even if you have little knowledge about data science or if you are just exploring. The features of the course include practical exercises and labs and easy to understand lessons. This course is adequate to provide trainees with the required knowledge and practical skills to be a Data Scientist or AI Engineer.


No prerequisite required, anyone can join this coming for any background as this course will be taught from basic to advanced level.

Course Objectives:

  • Introduction to Data Science
  • Python Programming
    • Python Basics
    • Python Advance Topics
    • Python Advance and Practice Sessions
  • Data Analysis using Numpy
  • Data Analysis using Pandas
  • Data Visualization using Matplot
  • Visualization using Matplotlib
  • Data Visualization using Seaborn
  • Data Visualization using Plotty & Cufflinks
  • Advanced visualizations using Plotly and Cifflinks
  • Introduction to Machine Learning and Linear Regression
    • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Logistic Regression
    • Building logistic regression model.
  • K nearest Neighbours and K Means Clustering
    • Building models using clustering algorithms.
  • Support Vectors Machines and Decision Trees
    • Building models using trees
  • Recommender Systems and PCA
    • Building recommender systems
  • Natural Language Processing
    • Introduction to NLP
  • Neural Nets and Deep Learning
    • Introduction to Deep Learning and Neural nets

Exams & SQA Framework:

There will be an opportunity for leaners to attain a PDA (Professional Development Award) from SQA upon completion successfully (passing all relevant exams) as this qualification is aligned with the PDA DATA Science @ SCQF level 8. Learner can earn up to 40 SCQF credit points upon passing all exams successfully. All SQA exams costs are included in the funding.

Modes of Learning:

You have the option of undertaking this course via following learning modes:

  1. Face to Face Classroom based Learning: You will attend the class each week on the day and time mentioned above.
  2. Virtual Learning: Live traditional face to face class will broadcast to all virtual learners each week on a specified time.
  3. Blended Learning: Mixture of Face to face and Virtual learning (must inform when joining the course).

How to apply for the Course Funding from SAAS PTFG:

SAAS Part Time full funding is available for this course and the course training will be totally free for eligible candidates only. SAAS Part Time full funding is available for this course and the training will be totally free for eligible candidates only. This is a grant not a loan and the funding covers the full cost of our designated courses including the SQA relevant exams.

Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)

Please visit the https://www.saas.gov.uk/part-time/undergraduate-funding to apply for the course funding;

In addition to the funding application student must fill ITPT course admission application form so we can reserve the place while their SAAS funding application is in process. Any student who do not inform us then their place in the course will not be guaranteed as we have minimum places to offer to SAAS funded students/learners.

Students intending to use SAAS Part Time Fee Grant to fund their studies should apply well prior to the course starting dates. In some cases we allow students to enrol while their funding is in process, if the course date is near or gone past but they have to provide the proof that their funding has been applied to SAAS PTFG and is in under process.


Students can also self-finance this course if do not qualify for the funding. The cost can be divided into manageable instalments but this needs to be paid within the course duration. To book the place, first instalment must be paid three weeks before the course starting date.

Group Learner Discounts:

There are further discounts if there a group of students or delegates from the company wants to attend the course.

What ITPT do to help students for SAAS funding application forms?

We advise & provide information regarding their SAAS funding application, how and what information to fill through SAAS PTFG online portal so don’t worry just make an appointment and pop along, our dedicated course consultants will be happy to assist you accordingly.

Contact Us:

For more information please do contact us:
Edinburgh Phone: 0131 552 5558 – 0131 552 5800
Glasgow Phone: 0141 429 2922
Email: info@itpt.co.uk
website: https://www.itpt.co.uk/
Contact us via website: https://www.itpt.co.uk/contact-us/

To Book an Appointment with Course Advisors:

To Book course registration or for further information about the course or its funding, please follow the below link;


March 28
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm


21 Calder Road, Edinburgh, E11 3PF