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This includes evaluating and selecting Platform as a Service (PaaS) solutions and deploying applications to the cloud, as well as maintaining, securing, and optimizing cloud solutions to achieve the best Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Return on Investment (ROI).


To ensure your success in this course, you should have experience with basic network and server administration, as well as a strong understanding of cloud technologies. In addition, you should be familiar with evaluating, selecting, and implementing Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions. You can obtain this level of skills and knowledge by taking the following Logical Operations courses:

NCTA Cloud Technologies



Course Objectives: 

In this course, you will deploy, configure, and administer Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) solutions as needed to function as a Certified Cloud Master. You will:

  • Describe cloud operations.
  • Plan cloud services Implementation.
  • Deploy a cloud application with Digital Ocean.
  • Deploy a cloud application with Heroku.
  • Deploy websites with Microsoft Azure.
  • Implement Azure Cloud Services and virtual machines.
  • Manage Azure applications with Visual Studio.
  • Deploy applications to Opscode Chef.
  • Manage server state with Puppet.
  • Implement Rackspace Cloud Servers.
  • Import and export data from cloud services.
  • Manage security and compliance in cloud solutions.
  • Plan and execute a phased cloud migration.

Click Here to download complete course content of Cloud Operations

How much will this course cost?

Our fees are as follows for students living  in UK or the European Union:

Cloud Operations


Full Course   £1995

 Fees are payable in advance at the start of course unless otherwise agreed.

Contact the college for more details.

    (Which training centre you looking for admission – Edinburgh)