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Coding for Kids – Holiday Boot Camp KIDS COURSES
Coding/Programming for kids – Fast Track

This boot camp takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as Minecraft Programming, Python Programming, Web Development (HTML/CSS), and more.

Students are empowered to create authentic artifacts and engage with Computer Science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem-solving, and fun.

Suggested Age: 6 to 9 Years old

This boot camp takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as Minecraft Programming, Python Programming, Web Development (HTML/CSS), and more.

Students are empowered to create authentic artifacts and engage with Computer Science as a medium for creativity, communication, problem-solving, and fun.

Our Kids coding boot camp has the following different suggested age groups


1. Coding for games including Frozen

In this boot camp course, kids will be introduced to block coding using Frozen game. Frozen is an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your kid’s imagination.
Things you can do in Frozen

  • Collaborate on projects with classmates
  • Document their work, and share in class.
  • Personalize their game


2. Python Programming

This will introduce students with the power of python programming. They will learn the basics of programming by drawing shapes on their screen with Tracy the Turtle! Turtle Graphics is a beginner friendly way to explore programming concepts and bring creativity into programming in a visual way.


3. Coding for games including Minecraft:

In this boot camp course, kids will be introduced to block coding using Minecraft game. Minecraft is an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your kid’s imagination.
Things you can do in Minecraft:

  • Collaborate on projects with classmates
  • Document their work, and share in class.
  • Personalize their game

1. Mobile App Development using App Lab

Students will be taught to make their own first mobile App. Making your own apps is easy with App Lab! Whether you’re new to coding or have some experience. App Lab is a great tool for building new apps and sharing them with your friends.
Objective: Build and share their own apps in App Lab using features like buttons, text, images, sound, and screens.

2. Web Development using HTML & CSS – Web Lab

Web Lab is a programming environment where you can make simple web pages using HTML and CSS. Design your web pages and share your site in seconds.
On the fourth day, students will be empowered to create and share the content on their own web pages. They will begin by thinking about the role of the web, and how it could be used as a medium for creative expression. As students will develop their pages and begin to see themselves as programmers, they will be encouraged to think critically about the impact of sharing information online and how to be more critical content consumers. They will also be introduced to problem solving as it relates to programming, as they learn valuable skills such as debugging, commenting, and structure of language. At the conclusion of this week, students will compile their work to create a personal website which they can publish and share.


3. Coding for games including Minecraft:

In this boot camp course, kids will be introduced to block coding using Minecraft game. Minecraft is an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment where the only limit is your kid’s imagination.
Things you can do in Minecraft:

  • Collaborate on projects with classmates
  • Document their work, and share in class.
  • Personalize their game
  1. Programming using JavaScript

Programming using JavaScript will introduce the foundational concepts of computer programming, which unlocks the ability to make rich, interactive apps. This course uses JavaScript as the programming language, and App Lab as the programming environment to build apps, but the concepts learned in these lessons span all programming languages and tools.

  1. Advanced Mobile Application Development

Advanced Mobile Application Development continues the introduction of foundational concepts of computer programming, which unlocks the ability to make rich, interactive apps. This course uses JavaScript as the programming language, and App Lab as the programming environment to build apps, but the concepts learned in these lessons span all programming languages and tools.

  1. Advanced Python Programming

The course utilizes a blended classroom approach. The content is fully web-based, with students writing and running code in the browser. Teachers utilize tools and resources provided by CodeHS to leverage time in the classroom and give focused 1-on-1 attention to students. Each unit of the course is broken down into lessons. Lessons consist of video tutorials, short quizzes, example programs to explore, and written programming exercises, adding up to over 100 hours of hands-on programming practice in total.  Each unit ends with a comprehensive unit test that assesses student’s mastery of the material from that unit.

Suggested Age: 6 – 9 Years old

Start & End Dates Course Title Days Duration Class Timings Teaching Modes Cost
15/10/2024 – 16/10/2024 Minecraft Tuesday and Wednesday 2 hours a day and will be delivered for 15 October 2024 to 16 October 2024 02:00pm – 4:00pm Tutor Led – Face 2 Face in a traditional classroom &
Live online Tutor led Virtual Classroom
TBC Python Programming TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC


Suggested Age: 9 – 11 Years old

Start & End Date Course Title Days Duration Class Timings Teaching Modes Cost
TBC Mobile App Development using App Lab TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC
TBC Web Development using HTML & CSS – Web Lab TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC
15/10/2024 – 16/10/2024 Minecraft Tuesday and Wednesday 2 hours a day and will be delivered for 15 October 2024 to 16 October 2024 02:00pm – 4:00pm Tutor Led – Face 2 Face in a traditional classroom &
Live online Tutor led Virtual Classroom

Suggested Age: 11 – 14 Years old

Start & End Date Course Title Days Duration Class Timings Teaching Modes Cost
TBC Python Programming TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC
TBC Advanced Mobile Application Development TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC
TBC Advanced Python Programming TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC


Places can’t be guaranteed and are allocated on a first come basis.

    (Which training centre you looking for admission – Edinburgh)