Data this, data that! What exactly is data and what’s the science behind it? How is data curated? How is it studied? And why does it hold this much value? […]
Data this, data that! What exactly is data and what’s the science behind it? How is data curated? How is it studied? And why does it hold this much value? […]
While we are too busy gawking at the modern-day marvels and evolution, we tend to overlook the numerous threats that are laced with it. The geeks who grew up watching […]
IT Professional Training (ITPT) College partners ISC2 in developing the future cybersecurity professionals in Scotland. A successful cyber-attack can cause major damage to your business such as significant financial losses, […]
The Next Big Thing in IT Industry- HND Computing: Networking The IT industry is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing technology landscape. An important aspect of IT is […]